Acrylgel Bella Cinderella, 30g
Acrylgel Bella Cinderella, 30g
Productos INDIGO no son testados en animales
the dense acrylic gel allows smooth and precise application, does not run off or flood the cuticles, and the soft consistency moulds easily under the brush
If you are working on transparent templates you can skip the step of creating the framework with the builder gel and immediately start building the first layer of nail with the chosen acrylic gel.
When applying the product avoid soaking the brush too much in the wipe off cleaner as this can make the product more fluid and can change its properties e.g. hardness, opacity, colour
You can use the acrylic gel to create 2D and 3D decorations - simply spread a small portion of the product onto the finished style and shape any decoration, e.g. a flower petal with a small brush (Aquarell Sting/ Cat Tongue 3d/ Pro Brush 2 or 4) and cure under a lamp.